Know your want

The only regret one can have is not following what they really wanted in life. When one allows the other to dictate their lives with their personal suggestions. Suggestions that doesn’t really matter. Some they asked for it; some they just heard it.

If you know what you really want, you’ll do what is right. If you know the truth, you’ll do the right thing. If you know yourself better, you are unstoppable. If others have different views, it’s none of your business. It’s really up to you if you listen to them or not. But I’m telling you, listen to your self more because your self know you better, better than your mom and dad, better than your close friends and better than your therapist.

Understand that we all have different ideas, different upbringings, different lives, different experiences and most importantly, different future to make for ourselves. That even if you’ve been together with your husband’s and wives, girlfriends and boyfriends, there’s always a part of you that they do not know. And that’s YOU who wants to grow stronger. You are unique, know your worth. Know yourself, know your plans, stick to it, trust and let the magic happen.

Others opinion including your loved ones, sometimes won’t work for you, and you must be strong, because this time you’ll have to do it yourself, on your own, without their support; and it’s okay, it’s called taking responsibility , being brave, independent and strong willed. Nothing is wrong with following your goals. Atleast it is yours and not others. Be a master of your life, the defender and the best friend, the #1 supporter and the #1 uplifter; coz girl, No one else will if not you.

The 99% of the people you’ll meet have the opposite ideas as yours, will go against you, see you negatively, defending their personal beliefs. Some cares, some don’t just being an asshole, but there are also people who just care about you and your well-being, and that’s kinda sweet as long as it respects your choices in the end, because they just wanted you to be happy. Be among the 1% who wants to see you progress because they’re the ones who are true to you.

Arguments in relationships is normal and it’s necessary, because it is the only way to get to know your loved-one better. You may have different beliefs and you may have different choices, don’t let the other influence you that you’ll end up losing your identity. So be you! The right people will understand and stay; while others will depart, let them have their choices. Sometimes, we’re not the right person for them, someone else’s better. Let us support where they can grow and become even more successful. Then one day, we’ll thank ourselves that we did the right thing.

Getting to know what we really want saves time and effort to both sides. Why have to go through it if we knew we’ll end up letting go because it’s not really what we truly wanted. Getting a substitute for the meantime is not really a good idea. Save your time. Save your energy. Decide quickly. Get it done. Learn and get it right. Know what you really want and just do it in silence. In life, you don’t need everyone’s approval, your approval is all you need. Learn to differentiate it from work. If it’s about you, then do it!

Published by HappyRose

Hi! I'm Roselyn! Username: HappyRose I'm a dreamer, bound to face all my fears, traumas, etc. I have been through shit, running away from my Happiness. But I guess, I've had enough that now I just want to be myself.

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